Thursday 24 February 2011

Avante Garde

Avante Garde is a French term, established in the 19th Century, that celebrates new and innovative art.  It applies to original, well thought out pieces that have never been seen before.  This term is also applicable to Graphic Design, and I feel that it responds to how the piece is presented as much as the discovery of a new style or technique.  With the development of technology and processes, there are more possibilities than ever before in terms of placement and execution of design.  For example, design can be sprawled across buildings or reduced to the size of a postage stamp; it can interact with the environment and provide an impact on the public.  The foundations are there to create a completely Avant Garde piece, which some have already taken advantage of.

Contemporary Graphic Design often incorporates interactivity, and companies are forever looking for newer, more appealing methods of delivery.  This incredibly simple, yet eye-opening awareness device compels the user to crumple the car to get to the product.  This is a fresh way of forcing a problem upon the viewer, and makes them think directly of the consequences.  This piece of design would be considerably less effective on a piece of A3 paper, yet on a simple item such as a bottle top it is considered an original and innovative piece of design.

The Durex ad introduces a new spin on the promotion of condoms.  Instead of encouraging safe sex, it promotes the enjoyment of sex and in particular the enjoyment of the product itself.  It displays this in a very erotic manner, but never actually exposes any naked flesh.  All the advertisement consists of is descriptive text and the company logo, arranged in a way that forms an image to match the ethos of the product.  What is essentially a typographic poster has been distorted and shaped to form a series of recognisable forms.

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